Jun - 28
Interior designer Joshua Greene has been a style reporter for Women’s Wear Daily (and even had his own line of men’s shirts!) Before attending a motivational summer-long architectural program at Harvard — but the style universe has always fascinated him.…
Jun - 26
Sad, broken-down items around the house do not necessarily need to be delivered to the landfill. They can live smashing new lifestyles when placed outdoors. While I am not a huge fan of a bathroom used as a planter, its…
Jun - 23
It is often difficult for kids to go to bed. Make bedtime more enticing with a canopy fit for a princess, a tucked-away bunk bed that feels just like a key fort or a bed wrapped in a playhouse. The…
Jun - 20
It is a truism that structure is, as Goethe so famously noted, “frozen music” Just as in music, design has rhythm, beat, cadence, tone, style, etc.. And just as in music, structure can be gotten slowly, fast, forcibly, gently, sweetly,…
Jun - 16
Jamie and Erin Osborne’s studio flat is what was once retail firm Meier and Frank’s warehouse in the heart of Portland, Oregon’s, Pearl District. The historic 1923 building was converted into residential flat lofts and condominiums a few short years…
Jun - 13
One of the oldest fabrics, felt has been enjoyed through the ages by many cultures around the world. (The nomadic tribes of Ghengis Khan even used it to fashion their yurts.) Extremely malleable, this non-woven cloth can be left as…
Jun - 08
I really don’t know youpersonally, but I’ll wager that we have nearly identical couches: some edition of brownish (mine is Otter), beige or grey. Two or three cushions and a cushioned arm to lean up against. However, it does not…
Jun - 05
I love colour. I love it independently or all mixed up. I really like it in patterns, blocks and splotches. But I think my very first love is the all-white room. A white room could be contemporary or cabin. It…