Month: September 2019

Sep - 27

Check Out Our Winners' Makeover

Her husband wasn’t believed by sue Ellen Ragsdale. Winning $50,000 to get a laundry room and bath? It sounded too good to be true. “She did not think me for a week or so,” says Michael Ragsdale. “We have never…

Sep - 25

A Tough Look in Recycled Plastic to Your House

Plastic has its own fair share of health and production concerns, and very low recycling rates, because of the complexity of sorting, consumer confusion and pure economics. But it’s difficult to escape plastic completely. Considering alternative substances, recycling sensibly and…

Sep - 18

Cast Off for South Seas Style

When many architects all over the world build houses that bring the outside in, from Tahiti it comes quite naturally. South Seas bungalows are, for the most part, constructed from materials plucked from inside a 20-mile radius. That’s by requirement…

Sep - 08

Make Your Garden Sparkle With Glass Art

Some landscape design dilemmas can’t be solved by adding more plants. Towering trees may throw dense shade, creating an inhospitable environment in which weeds can’t grow. Narrow gardens are usually cursed with inadequate soil in addition to imposing limitations on…