How to Water a Corn Plant

Apr - 26

How to Water a Corn Plant

Plump ears of corn covered in juicy kernels require proper care during the growing season. Irrigation is a vital component of a corn plant care, particularly during pollination and tasseling. Without sufficient water, the kernels won’t develop properly. Mother Nature provides a number of this water, but you will likely need to supplement with irrigation when the weather remains dry. Understanding when and how to water the corn crops maximizes your corn crop with ears that are filled with well-developed kernels.

Water the corn seeds right after planting. Mulch the corn patch to keep the moisture from the soil.

Put a soaker hose or drip irrigation system at the base of the corn crops. This allows the water to reach the roots and does not disturb the pollen on the upper section of the corn crops. Use the soaker hose or drip irrigation for all watering.

Irrigate the corn crops every single week with 1 to 1 1/2 inches of water. Supplement any rainfall in order that the plants get this amount of water each week.

Touch the soil at least one time weekly to check for moisture. Corn plants grow better when the soil is moistened evenly.

Monitor the corn crops to watch for wilting. Too little water, particularly during the hot season, can cause wilting. Check the soil moisture if you notice wilting to determine if more irrigation is essential.

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