How to Transplant Big Yew Bushes

Apr - 22

How to Transplant Big Yew Bushes

Prized for its delicate, deep green, needle-like foliage, the yew (Taxus spp.) Is flexible enough to be cultivated as a dense tree or a tall, attractive tree. Most yew species are suitable to grow in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 9, although some are only viable to zone 7. The yew is a easy-care plant that grows gradually to a height of 25 to 35 feet, depending on species. Transplanting a massive yew isn’t a simple task and takes careful planning.

Site Selection

Deciding upon a suitable transplant site is crucial. The yew needs growing conditions as close to its current environment as you can, including soil type, sunlight and drainage. Yews generally do well in sandy, loamy or clay soils, and tolerate dirt that ranges from moist to dry. They can grow well in full sun to full shade. Once you find a spot that has the same or similar conditions as the yew’s latest site, the remaining portion of the transplant is about muscle.

Preparing the Transplant Site

Water the transplant site and the yew the day before transplanting, to produce the dirt in both regions simpler to do the job. You will require a planting hole as deep as the rootball of the yew and at least twice as broad. To calculate the yew’s rootball size, measure the tree’s height and divide by two — in case the yew is 10 feet tall, the rootball will probably be around 5 feet in diameter. Dig the transplant hole prior to removing the yew from its current site in order to keep the roots from drying out.

Preparing the Yew

Wrapping sturdy twine or rope and burlap around the rootball will create moving a massive yew somewhat simpler. Tying the branches near the main stem keeps them out of the way and protects them from breakage during the move. Use a sharp spade or shovel to produce clean cuts in the roots. First, you must dig a trench across the outer perimeter of the yew and sever the roots in this region cleanly. The trench needs to be deep enough to really go below all the yew’s major origins, and it supplies the suitable angle for digging out the principal roots.

Moving the Yew

Place a large piece of burlap apartment on the ground beside the tree, and be sure that the roots are draped. You can then lift the yew from the ground. It might take a few people to help lift a massive yew and place the rootball on the burlap. While dirt clinging to the root ball can help soften the trauma of transplanting, soil is heavy. Look at hosing some of the dirt off the roots to produce the yew lighter. Wrap the rootball with the burlap and fasten the burlap with twine or rope. Moving the tree can be difficult. When it’s small enough, a wheelbarrow may be sufficient, but you may require a pickup truck or small trailer to transfer huge shrubs.

Replanting the Yew

The yew needs to be replanted as soon as possible. Center that the rootball in the hole with the top of the rootball even with the surrounding ground. After removing the ties, then pull off or cut away as much of the burlap wrap as possible and backfill the planting hole with the excavated dirt. Water that the yew thoroughly. If the soil settles too much, then add more. Do not fertilize. Keep the soil from drying out for the next few weeks, while the yew is re-establishing itself. A 3- to 4-inch layer of organic mulch helps conserve moisture. Keep the mulch 4 to 6 inches from the yew’s most important stem.

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