Trees With Flowers Such as the Japanese Pieris

Jan - 02

Trees With Flowers Such as the Japanese Pieris

Cascades of delicate blossoms draping shiny, deep green leaves rank Japanese pieris (Pieris japonica) one of the most graceful late-winter ornamentals. Also referred to as the lily-of-the-valley shrub because of its urn-shaped blossoms, the 9- to 12-foot Asian native grows in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 though 8. Its susceptibility to leaf burn from winter sun and wind limits its usage in many places. If you adore its blooms but can not cater to its needs, consider substituting a less-temperamental however like-flowered tree.

Japanese Snowbell

Compact Japanese snowbell tree (Styrax japonicus) attains 20 to 30 feet tall with a comparable spread. From late spring to early summer, clusters of bell-shaped, white or pinkish flowers dangle from the ends of its horizontal divisions. The subtly fragrant flowers appear nicely against its shiny green leaves. The divisions’ contrasting, gray and orange bark becomes visible when the leaves drop in fall. Seldom troubled with pests or disease, Japanese snowbell grows in USDA zones 5 through 9, in which it does best in acidic, rich well-draining soil and full sun to partial shade.

Lily-of-the-Valley Tree

Lily-of-the-valley tree (Clethra arborea) comes into its own in late summer, when arching spires of white or pink blooms open against its bronze-green, oblong leaves. Because headily fragrant as the blossoms of this spring-blooming continued for which the tree is named, the blossoms become early fall. Much more cold-sensitive than Japanese pieris, the evergreen tree grows in USDA zones 8 through 10 and reaches 25 feet in about 12 decades. Plant it partial to full shade and acidic, consistently moist, loamy or sandy soil. Its main problem is susceptibility to spider mite infestations. The microscopic pests drain sap and spin fine webs on the backs of their leaves. Remove them as needed by hitting on their feeding sites with a powerful spray of water in the hose.

White Lantern Tree

Somewhat confusingly, the evergreen white lantern tree (Crinodendron patagua), that grows in USDA zones 9 through 10, also goes by the common name of lily-of-the-valley tree. In late summer and fall, bell-shaped flowers hang in small clusters in the ends of its divisions. They give way to cosmetic red and cream seedpods. Narrow, silver-backed dark green leaves provide the tree year-round interest. Eventually reaching 25 feet tall, white lantern tree grows best in full sun. It also does best in well-draining, moist to wet, sandy or loamy soil. Expect to spend time staking and pruning the shrubby plant to should you would like it to appear more like a tree.

Sourwood Tree

Its mouth-puckering typical name doesn’t do justice to sourwood tree’s (Oxydendron arboreum) cosmetic appeal. Typically standing 20 to 25 feet tall, the slender-trunked tree has a narrow canopy of shiny, tapering deep green leaf. In early to midsummer, loose, curving sprays of tiny, white bell flowers droop from its divisions. Silvery seed pods, an eye-catching complement to its crimson fall leaves, frequently remain on the tree during the winter. Hardy in USDA zones 5 though 9, sourwood tree flowers best in full sun and acidic, organically rich, moist ground. Its important shortcomings are intolerance of pollution and drought and occasional susceptibility to leaf spot disease.

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