The way to Preserve Wilted Tomato Plants

Nov - 19

The way to Preserve Wilted Tomato Plants

Droopy leaves, whether discolored or even still bright green, signals an issue in the tomato garden. Most wilt issues result from improper watering and can be easily cured with prompt irrigation. Insects and diseases may also weaken tomato crops and make the leaves to wilt or die. Correctly identifying the reason for wilt provides the very best guide for storing the plants. Some causes of wilt don’t have any cure but quick identification may save plants that are nearby.

Dig a 6-inch deep hole in the tomato bed with a narrow trowel and check the soil moisture. Water the plants thoroughly until the soil is moistened to at least a 6-inch thickness if the dirt is dry, providing 1 or 2 inches of moisture. Water deeply in this way every three to five days to prevent additional wilt and to help the plants recover.

Inspect the plants for insect damage, such as ragged or holey leaves or observable insects together stems or on the bottom of the leaves. Feeding pests can cause tomatoes to soften and wilt. Treat insect pests with an insecticidal soap spray along with a pesticide invented to your specific pest amount.

Examine stems and leaf for fungal diseases. Assess for dark spots on the leaves or a gray, white or black powdery growth. Treat the plants with a fungicide and trim out badly affected leaves. Water the tomatoes at their base and keep the foliage dry to minimize additional respiratory problems that may result in wilt.

Pull up and ruin tomato crops if the leaves yellow and wilt initially, followed by healthy leaves, since these plants are affected by verticillium wilt that has no cure and may spread into nearby healthful tomatoes. Pull up and ruin plants that yellow on one side, as these are affected by fusarium wilt that also has no cure.

Mow down weeds encompassing the tomato bed and pull weeds growing near the plants so wilt-causing insects and diseases do not spread from the weeds into the tomato plants once you treat the symptoms that are overgrown. Spread a 2-inch layer of straw mulch over the soil around the plants to help retain soil moisture and protect against future wilt.

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