The way to Change the Placing on Rainbird Sprinkler Systems

Feb - 12

The way to Change the Placing on Rainbird Sprinkler Systems

Rainbird sprinkler systems are regulated by a timer box that turns on the irrigation valves according to a set schedule. It provides the flexibility to water distinct zones in the landscape according to their particular irrigation requirements, conserving water and ensuring that every planting receives the ideal amount. For this to work, the sprinklers have to be grouped with plants of similar water conditions, and every zone controlled with a different valve. The timer box can be set to control each valve using its own watering program and adjusted whenever necessary.

Switch the app button to program “A.” Turn the dial in the timer box to the valve number that must be altered. The display will indicate the number of moments that the valve is set to run currently, if any. Push the up and down keys to add or subtract time to switch it to the new setting. Repeat the process for any other valves that have to be altered in app “A.”

Turn the dial in the timer box to the section for programming the days to water. For each day of the week, press on the up and down keys to turn the system on or off. Instead, Rainbird timers also can be programmed to jump a certain number of days between waterings. Turn the valve to the “jump days” position, and press on the up and down keys to increase or reduce the frequency of watering, if needed.

Turn the dial in the timer box to the initial start time position. Press the up and down keys to change the time for the system to begin watering on the scheduled days. The first active zone will begin irrigating at the time indicated, followed in succession by the other active zones. Up to three start times per day can be put If multiple waterings are wanted.

Switch the app button to program “B” and repeat the process for these zones, if needed. Most Rainbird models enable up to three separate programs to be programmed. If a valve is programmed in more than one zone, then it’ll be activated at the two times. To turn off a valve in any one zone, simply put the run time to zero seconds.

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