How to Clean a Satin Pillowcase

Jun - 17

How to Clean a Satin Pillowcase

Satin pillowcases are a luxurious alternative to cotton or flannel. This sleek material remains cool on the face during a warm night, providing added comfort. Cleaning a satin pillowcase is far like cleaning any other pliiowcase, as satin is machine washable.

In the Wash

Wash satin pillowcases in cold water to a gentle or delicate cycle in the washing machine using your favorite laundry detergent developed for delicates. Avoid stuffing the pillowcases into a load of laundry featuring harsh or heavy fabrics such as denim jeans, since these may snag the satin; instead, wash the cases using satin sheets. Shake the pillowcases while they are wet to remove wrinkles and excess water after the final rinse and spin cycles complete; don’t wring the water out as this might wrinkle or crease the satin.

Drying Satin

Satin pillowcases might be air dried, draped over a clothesline or trimmed to it using clothespins, or dried using a very low heat setting in the drier. Eliminate just before the cases are completely dry to prevent static.

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