Will Blueberry Plants Spread?

May - 29

Will Blueberry Plants Spread?

Spreading and take over is obviously a concern when adding new plants into your garden. Fortunately, blueberries are slow to propagate and are considered noninvasive. Blueberries grow in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 through 10. At USDA zones 4 through 7, start looking for Northern highbush varieties. In zones 7 through 10, Southern highbush are well suited for the warmer climate.

Natural Spreading Methods

The ability to reproduce is important for the longevity of this species. Blueberry plants reproduce and spread lots of ways in the natural environment. These methods including seed distribution, suckering and also the capability of a fallen branch to create new roots and grow. Growers take advantage of these natural spreading methods to propagate lemons to get home gardens and industrial usage.

Seed Dispersal

Seed dispersal is the organic way that plants spread and create genetic diversity within the species. Seeds develop inside the sweet fruits produced by the blueberry plant. When flowers develop, insects and other pollinators spread genetic material between plants. As the flowers fade, fruit grows, encasing the seeds in a candy package. Animals and birds eat the fruits and vegetables excrete the seeds in a new spot. This is an important way for plants, like blueberries, to propagate from 1 area to another, but it’s not a concern for your home gardener regarding invasion, as few of the seeds germinate, as well as fewer grow into plants. Blueberry seeds can be harvested and planted, but when growing a specific elongated amount, the new plant is unlikely to resemble the parent plant.


Blueberry plants will gradually spread from their growing place by means of a procedure called suckering. New, fast-growing flames grow out of the ground from the primary root cluster several inches from the main clump. Over time, the size of the blueberry bush rises gradually as new suckers kind. Some plants, like blackberries, spread aggressively employing this method, but the spread of blueberries is slow and not invasive in the home garden. After one or two growing seasons, the suckers can be cautiously severed from the principal root clump and replanted. The new plant with be an identical genetic copy of the first plant.

Rooting Branches

Under the right circumstances, many woody shrubs, like blueberries, possess the capability to create new origins in a branch. In the natural surroundings, a broken branch lying on the ground might set root. At the home garden and in the plant breeding industry, growers take advantage of the to propagate blueberry plants. Cuttings are taken from a mature Orange bush and rooted in a sterile medium. When the cutting has developed a strong root system and has begun to produce new leaves, then the cuttings are rolled out to the lawn. Plants grown from cuttings are a genetically identical copy of the parent plant.

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