Types of Soil for Growing Fruit Trees

Jun - 03

Types of Soil for Growing Fruit Trees

The many advantages of growing fruit trees include alluring greenery around your home, shade during warm weather and tasty fruits. Gardeners in several climates can grow fruit trees, but the ideal sort of dirt will ensure healthier growth and a plentiful amount of fruit production. Generally, fruit trees grow best in soils with good drainage and a lot of nutrients.

Ideal Soil

Fruit trees grow best in well-drained soil with a sandy, loamy texture. They also need deep dirt to support their deep root systems. Experts at the University of California recommend planting fruit trees in areas with at least 3 feet of topsoil. Heavy clay soils, overly rocky soils or soils lacking in nutrients may stunt tree growth.

Soil Testing

If you’re unsure which kind of dirt your lawn has, it’s helpful to bring a soil sample and send it to a local lab or nursery for testing. A laboratory will have the ability to make recommendations as to whether the ground needs pH adjustments or extra nutrients. If you simply want to check pH, simple pH testing strips are available online and at many gardening supply stores. Most fruit trees prefer a soil pH between 6.0 and 6.5.

Soil Amendments

If soil tests show an exceedingly acidic pH, adding some lime can greatly increase the pH and make it even more acceptable for fruit trees. Alternatively, sulfur may lower the soil pH if it is not acidic enough. Because distinct soil additives come in various concentrations, carefully following manufacturer application instructions to adjust the dirt to a specific pH level. Clay soils in certain areas have many nutrients and poor drainage. Gardeners using clay soils might not have to add a lot fertilizer, but they are able to add some compost to improve drainage. On the opposite end of the spectrum, a layer of flux over the surface of the dirt will help overly sandy soils retain moisture. Springtime applications of a balanced fertilizer will help amend soil with reduced nutrient levels.

Potted Fruit Trees

You may opt to develop potted fruit trees in commercial potting soil. You can also mix sand, peat and perlite or bark from equal proportions to make a potting mix. Be sure to use a mix that’s excellent drainage while still keeping a lot of moisture to your tree roots. To further facilitate drainage, choose a pot with large drainage holes, line the bottom of the pot using screen, and put a layer of gravel in the bottom of the grass.

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