The Best Mop for Brick Floors

Jan - 11

The Best Mop for Brick Floors

Mopping is advised when you need to remove surface dirt in the brick floor, and as you don’t have to worry about standing water as far as you do with different types of flooring, a chain cleaner functions well. A microfiber string mop works better.

Brick Floor Cleaning Basics

As with any type of flooring, the ideal approach to keep brick flooring clean is to vacuum or dust frequently to prevent dirt from becoming ground into the finish. Eventually, you do have to clean it, and you’re able to use a somewhat alkaline soap solution for this without fear of damaging the finish. Water will streak the finish if left standing, however, so it’s ideal to damp mop and also to dry the floor afterward. The mop needs to be able to enter the mortar grooves readily, because that is where dirt will gather.

The Microfiber Advantage

While a string mop fits the bill, a microfiber mop is even better for two reasons. The first is that it does not hold as much water, which reduces the probability of streaking. The second advantage of a microfiber mop is that the propensity to get microfibers to magnetically attract dirt. You can eliminate a great deal of dirt without so much as dampening the mop, and if you include soapy water, then cleaning is fast and efficient. Be sure the fibers possess looped ends and the mop has no tail band to get the ideal cleaning.

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