Koi Ponds Annual Cleaning

Jan - 06

Koi Ponds Annual Cleaning

Spring is a time of rebirth, and it is certainly true for the ecosystem in your koi pond. The pond appears better with all the winter debris removed, and also a clean pond provides a new environment for the bacteria in the biological filter and new water to the fish. The total amount of cleaning necessary depends on the size and location of your pond.

Drain the Pond

In case you’ve got a biological filter in your pond, you wo not have to eliminate all the water in the pond, nor will you need to eliminate the fish. If you must drain the pond completely, you need to set the fish in containers large enough to maintain them. Set the containers in a shady place and then add enough water in the pond to cover the fish. Avoid overfilling the the fish might splash out. A little aerator dropped to the fish container offers oxygen to your fish while you clean out the pond. When the fish are caught, drain most of the water from the pond. If the pond doesn’t have a drain, a submersible sump pump can quickly siphon the water from the pond.

Eliminate Acids

To make it easier to access the pond’s walls, place the potted water plants beyond the pond. You can place the pots in the temporary fish container to keep the roots moist. If plants need splitting, you are able to do that before you reset them in your tidy pond. Plants that have outgrown their pots and are growing in the lining can be repotted or left on the lining. It is harder to clean out the liner, but if you leave the roots attached.

Wash the Walls

A garden hose with a spray nozzle attachment or a power washer are useful tools to clean the walls of the pond. Don’t forget to wash any waterfalls, streams or other water features that flow into the pond too. In case you have algae growing in the pond, pull it out and remove it. When the walls are clean, use a wet-dry vacuum to eliminate the dirt and debris in the base of the pond. This project will go a whole lot faster if one person stands in the base of the pool to vacuum and also the other person empties the vacuum when it fills.

Pumps and Filters

Spring is a good time to replace any filters in your pond’s pump. In case you’ve got a recyclable filter, you may only have to wash it with water in a garden hose. For different filters, follow the manufacturer’s directions. Each pump has different maintenance requirements, so check your owner’s manual to the specific maintenance you must perform on the pump. The skimmer basket may have some accumulated debris in it; open it and then clean it out.

Refill the Pond

When the pond is clean, add fresh water in addition to a chlorinator. Remove some water in the fish holding tank and then include some new. Repeat the procedure several times to help the fish adapt to the water temperature and chlorine level. When the pond water is prepared, the fish can return into the pond. Finish repotting any plants that need it, and place them straight back to the pond.

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