How to Help Your Dog Be a Good Neighbor
The doorbell rang the other day and I was amazed to see that my neighbor standing on my porch with a beautiful black Labrador retriever on a leash. Mary dropped her puppy, Shawnee, also a black Laboratory, to cancer three decades back. Since she and her husband are in a busy stage of life — with aging parents and soon to be grandparents themselves — they agreed that holding off on a different puppy was best.
Mary and that I can go months without talking because our houses are separated by hilly forests, but earlier in the week we caught up by the mailboxes. As soon as I saw her on my porch only a couple of days later, I was amazed she had not said they had gotten another Laboratory. Having a black Laboratory myself, I’ve a soft spot for the breed and this was a particularly handsome — wait a minute! It had been my black Laboratory, Jack. Mary found him waiting for her in her driveway when she returned from a stroll and kindly brought him home.
Shawnee expired the winter we were homeless after our passion, and Jack– who adored her — can’t seem to know she’s gone. A couple of times each year that he goes to a “walk around” and usually creates a dash for Mary’s home. I am thankful her and her husband are dog lovers, generally speaking, and fond of Jack, particularly. We’ve worked very difficult to train Jack, and he’s a well-behaved puppy — very friendly and seldom barks — and he is clearly not ideal. We are so thankful for our neighbors’ patient tolerance.
Not everyone hits the jackpot like we have neighbor-wise. Here a few suggestions on ways to help your dog be the very best neighbor.
David Harber
Train. A well-behaved puppy makes everything simpler. Once upon a time that I was not a fan of dogs. I simply knew too many who were untrained and did not get sufficient exercise. Frankly, it’s a lot of work. Taking the opportunity to train your puppy early will pay off for years to come, for you and certainly your neighbors.
Exercise. My friend likes to say, “A tired puppy is a fantastic puppy.” She’s referring to her teenaged son, but it’s literally true, also. So many issues can be avoided by giving your dog a daily walk. It’s very good for both of you and assembles your relationship.
Pat Bernard Design, Inc..
Make introductions. When you first move in or when you bring your puppy home, be sure to properly introduce him to the neighbors. This simple step can save a load of potential trouble. You’ll know whether your neighbors adore dogs or if there’s a hesitancy or stress. Inform your neighbor your objectives: You would like to be responsible and a fantastic neighbor. And ask them to inform you whether they have any concerns or notice whatever you may miss.
Secure your dogs. “Good fences make good neighbors” A poem by Robert Frost actually questions this, but it’s never truer when it comes to canines. If only for their own security, make sure your dogs have secure boundaries.
If your yard is small, a conventional fence is your very best bet. If your yard is quite big, an underground or electric fence might be a better option. I know this is controversial. Many consider using any form of shock barbarous. Following our fire, with the place of our new home and the hills and forests, an underground fencing was the only affordable alternative for us. I trained the dogs on a leash. They learned their bounds quickly and did not challenge them. Neither is especially strong-willed nor gets the hunting instinct. They seldom even trigger the warning beeps. This system isn’t for every dog, but it works beautifully for ours.
Tom Hurt Architecture
Does not it look like that puppy is thinking, “Hey guys, I thought we were heading for a swim. Guys?” Yes, we do talk for our dogs, all day, every day.
Earn requests. If your dogs have any problems, make them known to your neighbors and ask for their support. A friend of mine had a puppy called Miss Marple who did not like children. We did not have dogs afterward, and my children were mad to pet any dog that they met, but she let’s understand Miss Marple preferred to stay to herself. If I’d young neighbors, I would invest in a good fencing to keep fingers out and avoid any probable accidents, even though my dogs are incredibly friendly.
Heather Garrett Design
Check in. Ask how things are going, especially when you aren’t around. Even if your dog is indoors, he might bark non-stop once you’re away. Most individuals despise anything close to conflict and will not complain, but should you invite comments they will be more inclined to tell you. If your puppy has been a nuisance, you would like to understand, for his and your neighbor’s interest.
Home & Garden Design, Atlanta – Danna Cain, ASLA
Even when everyone has the best intentions there can be difficulties. While we were arming, our next-door neighbors adopted a beautiful German shepherd puppy. After we moved back in, he had been almost a year old and seen us, and our children especially, as interlopers. Our yards are big and separated by forests and a mountain. Our neighbors, who are amazing, had no thought their dog was piling down the wooded hill that divides our properties and barking every time one of us moved in the yard.
My children loved the puppy, but he had been tearing up our new yard, and much more troubling, he had been standing his ground growling — on our house. My husband let the neighbors know what exactly was happening. Paul was calm and reasonable. We were not angry, but concerned. The neighbors were apologetic and reacted immediately. The initial fixes did not work, and Paul let them understand, again calmly and moderately. In a couple of weeks, everything was solved safely and amicably.
Obviously this was a best-case scenario: both parties reasonable and responsible dog owners and lovers. But a lot can be learned out of our situation.
Randy Thueme Design Inc. – Landscape Architecture
If You’re the neighbor:
Assume the finest. Your neighbors, such as ours, might be unaware of the problem and excited to repair it. Maybe not, but a positive attitude will not hurt.
Calmly explain the Circumstance. Getting mad makes everything harder and invites defensiveness out of your neighbor. Stay positive and calm.
Be patient — my one caveat is unless the dog poses a direct threat and your neighbor refuses to take immediate actions.
If you are the puppy owner:
Stay calm. This might be difficult. Your neighbor’s concerns might feel like an attack. In the very least it’s uncomfortable hearing your beloved dog is becoming a pest infestation.
Listen. You may be tempted to shield your dog or minimize your neighbor’s concerns, but do not.
Be sure to hear and understand the problem. This is Being an Individual 101, but so a lot people miss it.
Brainstorm solutions. This might be obvious depending on the situation, but involving your neighbor in the problem solving will underline your concern and, possibly, save a lot of time.
Huettl Landscape Architecture
Your turn: Have you ever had any dog neighbor problems or triumphs? What about other pets? Please share your stories or suggestions in the Comments.
More: So You’re Thinking About Getting a Dog