DIY Bird Fountain
A trickling bird fountain brings a variety of birds, some of which might have never ventured a wing into your garden. Beyond bird seed, birds seek sources of new water, especially in times of drought. The noise and motion of water flowing in a bird fountain creates both a point of curiosity in your garden whilst serving as an open invitation to curious birds. Constructing your bird fountain allows you to look for the feel of your garden.
Moving Water Is Better
Developing a bird fountain with circulating water attracts birds and provides birds with water. Unlike stagnant water, circulating water stays fresher longer. You’ll also get less algae once the water is in constant motion, so you won’t need to wash the fountain too frequently. Plus, mosquitoes prevent laying eggs in circulating water, which can be a fantastic precaution if your bird fountain is near your property.
To Bathe or to Drink
While basins for bird fountains could be just about any dimension, it should be no deeper than 3 inches in the middle and shallower in the borders. This depth will accommodate birds arriving to get a sip in addition to larger birds, like robins, which enjoy an occasional bath. Should you intend your bird fountain to be for drinking only, consider a basin that’s no deeper than 1 1/2 inches at the deepest point. The shallower your basin, the more diligent you will need to be in keeping it filled.
Basin Basics
You can create a basin, purchase one or re-purpose a “found” object to serve as your basin. Materials acceptable for bird fountain basins include copper, glazed ceramic, sealed concrete, plastic, and resin or metallic forms. If you’re using a steel basin, rust might become a problem but can be kept in check with periodic cleaning.
Keep It Flowing
Whether your bird fountain bubbles or drips, you will need a submersible pump to keep the water going. Water spraying upward or Slow in a spout forcefully will keep birds off. For the shallowness of your bird fountain basin, a small pump will probably be sufficient. Choose a pump that can be completely submerged in water to prevent the pump motor from burning out prematurely. An appropriate pump will be 3 inches tall or less. These are usually sold with the explanation for “mini” or “micro” pumps.
Plug-In Power or Solar
Since birds will come to a bird fountain whether it’s in shade or full sun, you’ve options the way to bring power to your own water feature. If the bird fountain is close to your home and a socket, a plug model of pump could provide constant water flow for a reasonable price. A solar-powered pump might be an option if the solar panel, which powers the solar pump, which may also be set in a sunny spot. Keep in mind, the solar pump may be more expensive initially and may only deliver power during the afternoon, but also the flexibility of being tied to an outlet allows you to place your bird fountain anywhere on your own premises.