A Program for Dwarf Fruit Tree Cross-Pollination

Feb - 07

A Program for Dwarf Fruit Tree Cross-Pollination

Dwarf fruit trees are a popular option when backyard is limited. At the Mediterranean-climate areas of the West, Southwest and South, there is a fruit tree for every single microclimate. Whether you’re planting oyster apple, cherry, cherry or avocado trees, many varieties demand another tree to produce fruit. Sweet cherry and cherry trees take a pollinator, though most apples, avocados and peaches are self-pollinating, but create more fruit if cross-pollinated. The best time to plan for pollination is when the trees are first planted. But if you have inherited a backyard orchard from a prior owner, then you will find several pollinating strategies that can aid you with your fruit tree problem.

Intensive Planting

Planting three or four harmonious varieties only 18 inches apart supplies not only cross-pollination, but also a selection of fruits. Additionally, in the event the blossom times overlap, ranging from early to late, your harvest will be spread out over a few weeks, giving you time to freeze, can or dehydrate the fruits.


By grafting a branch of a pollinating variety on your dwarf fruit tree, then you can ensure that the bees will move the pollen for your preferred variety. Some growers provide trees with three or four kinds already grafted onto a single tree, giving you four distinct varieties in the area of a single tree.

Hang a Branch

If the mammals are busily seeing the flowers on your dwarf fruit tree, then obtain a branch with new blossoms from a harmonious selection. Set the branch in the tree in the morning, before the bees arrive. As the bees visit flower after flower, the pollen from the newly opened flowers supplies the cross-pollination required for a fantastic harvest of fruit.

Hand Pollination

If you only have one tree, or even the bees aren’t seeing your trees, you can hand pollinate the flowers. Obtain some new flowers from a harmonious selection and apply the pollen to fertilize your blossoms. Go into the tree in the morning, before it becomes warm and simply whirl a small artist’s paintbrush in the freshly picked flowers’ pollen and brush it on your own tree’s blooms. Repeat the procedure each day until your tree stops booming.

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