How to Compost Mulch Into Humus

Dec - 04

How to Compost Mulch Into Humus

Composting is a green gardening strategy which minimizes waste in the landfill. Mulch composted at a home-composting bin creates nutrient-rich humus that improves soil quality and supplies plant nourishment. Choose a mixture of green and brown things used for mulch for the good proportion of nitrogen and carbon that is needed for quick decomposing. Turning mulch into humus requires six to 12 months, depending on the size of the mulch bits, humidity level and mixing of the bin contents.

Add 2 inches of sawdust into the underside of an empty compost bin to help with moisture control. Put 4 to 5 handfuls of broken twigs in addition to the sawdust to increase the airflow under the decomposing mulch.

Collect mulch material from your yard and garden. Green matter offers nitrogen and contains grass clippings, green plants and lawn waste. Brown matter offers carbon and contains dried leaves and dried crops, coffee grounds and hardwood.

Chop leaves, twigs and wood chips using scissors, pruning clippers or hedge clippers to increase the surface area and decomposition speed. Leave these things complete if the decomposition rate is not a concern.

Add 2-3 inches of brown thing in addition to the twigs. Add 1 inch of soil or compost in addition to the brown layer to provide bacteria needed for decomposing.

Add 2-3 inches of green matter in addition to the soil layer. Sprinkle about 1 cup of blood meal in addition to the green thing to activate the decomposing procedure.

Repeat the layers of green and brown matter placed in the compost bin until the bin is complete.

Sprinkle water over the mulch until it’s moist as well as the consistency of a damp sponge.

Mix the compost contents at least once a week using a pitchfork to assist the contents evenly decompose. Check the moisture level while blending the contents, and add additional to maintain the decomposing thing the consistency of a moist sponge.

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